Size mümkün olan en iyi deneyimi sunmak için çerezleri kullanıyoruz. Ayrıca, web sitesini sizin için sürekli olarak geliştirmek amacıyla kullanıcı davranışını analiz etmemize de olanak tanırlar.
Tüm tek bir çok kanallı pazarlama platformu, işletmelere Messenger, Instagram, GMB Mesajları, SMS, e-posta, sosyal medya ve e-ticaret pazarlama yönetmesine yardımcı olan.
Bu olduğunda (Tetikleyiciler)
Bunu yap (Aksiyonlar)
Create task Creates a new task.
Update task Updates an existing task.
Create contact Creates a new contact.
Update contact Updates an existing contact.
Create company Creates a new company.
Update company Updates an existing company.
Create deal Creates a new deal.
Update deal Updates an existing deal.
Call init When a call start.
Call hangup When the call hangup.
Create callback When the caller create a new callback request.
Chatbot Actions Trigger This triggers when ever a message was sent with a corresponding action webhook trigger.
Ecommerce Order Updates Triggers when there's a new order or an order changes it's classification, e.g. from On-hold to Processing
Get Subscriber Get details of a specific subscriber.
Add Tag Add a tag to a specific subscriber.
Remove Tag Remove a tag from a specific subscriber.
Add User Data Add user data to a subscriber.
Remove User Data Remove user data of a subscriber.
Send Message (Payload ID) Send a message to subscriber using payload_id.
Send Custom Message Send a custom message to subscriber.
Opt-in Chat Sequence Opt-on a page subscriber to chat sequence.
Opt-out Chat Sequence Opt-out a page subscriber from chat sequence.
Create a Contact Create a new contact for Email and SMS marketing.
Delete Contact Deletes a specified contact.
Create Tag Create a new contact tag.
Delete Tag Delete specific contact tag.
Subscribe To Email Sequence Subscribe to email sequence.
Create task (Coming soon) Creates a new task.
Create contact (Coming soon) Creates a new contact.
Create company (Coming soon) Creates a new company.