Integrazione WHMCS + Hipcall


WHMCS è il software di gestione e fatturazione dell'hosting web che automatizza tutti gli aspetti del tuo business dalla fatturazione, alla provisioning, alla rivendita di domini, ecc. E ti aiuta a gestire il pacchetto client, fornendo soluzioni di fatturazione e supporto per qualsiasi attività online.

Quando ciò accade (trigger)

Esegui questa operazione (Azioni)

Create task
Creates a new task.
Update task
Updates an existing task.
Create contact
Creates a new contact.
Update contact
Updates an existing contact.
Create company
Creates a new company.
Update company
Updates an existing company.
Create deal
Creates a new deal.
Update deal
Updates an existing deal.
Call init
When a call start.
Call hangup
When the call hangup.
Create callback
When the caller create a new callback request.
New Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is created
New Order
Triggers when a new order is created
New Ticket
Triggers when a new ticket is created.
Add Client
Adds a new client to your account.
Create Invoice
Create an Invoice for your client.
Create Ticket
Creates a new ticket to your WHMCS account.
Get Clients
Retrieves all the clients from your WHMCS account.
Delete Client
Deletes an existing client from your account.
Create Project
Creates a new project.
Add Product (Free)
Adds a free product to the system to be available for purchase.
Add Product (Onetime)
Adds a onetime product to the system to be available for purchase.
Add Product (Recurring)
Adds a recurring product to the system to be available for purchase.
Get Clients Details
Retrieves the clients details for a specific client.
Search Contact
Searches the contact by email.
Create Contact
Creates contact to a client account.
Create task (Coming soon)
Creates a new task.
Create contact (Coming soon)
Creates a new contact.
Create company (Coming soon)
Creates a new company.

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