Integrazione Filter by Pabbly + Hipcall

Filter by Pabbly

Il passaggio del filtro consente di eseguire il flusso di lavoro solo quando le condizioni impostate sono soddisfatte.

Quando ciò accade (trigger)

Esegui questa operazione (Azioni)

Create task
Creates a new task.
Update task
Updates an existing task.
Create contact
Creates a new contact.
Update contact
Updates an existing contact.
Create company
Creates a new company.
Update company
Updates an existing company.
Create deal
Creates a new deal.
Update deal
Updates an existing deal.
Call init
When a call start.
Call hangup
When the call hangup.
Create callback
When the caller create a new callback request.
Filter by Pabbly
Only Continue If
Set up rules to specify when this Workflow can continue running.

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