Integrazione Docusign (Sandbox) + Hipcall

Docusign (Sandbox)

DocuSign è un servizio che consente di inviare documenti firmati elettronicamente o richiedere firme.

Quando ciò accade (trigger)

Esegui questa operazione (Azioni)

Create task
Creates a new task.
Update task
Updates an existing task.
Create contact
Creates a new contact.
Update contact
Updates an existing contact.
Create company
Creates a new company.
Update company
Updates an existing company.
Create deal
Creates a new deal.
Update deal
Updates an existing deal.
Call init
When a call start.
Call hangup
When the call hangup.
Create callback
When the caller create a new callback request.
Docusign (Sandbox)
Configure Webhooks
Triggers on various events like envelope sent or completed
Docusign (Sandbox)
Create Signature Request
Creates a signature request.
Docusign (Sandbox)
Create Signature Request with Template
Creates a signature request with a template.
Docusign (Sandbox)
Get Event Details
Gets an event details.
Create task (Coming soon)
Creates a new task.
Create contact (Coming soon)
Creates a new contact.
Create company (Coming soon)
Creates a new company.

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