Intégration Invoice Ninja + Hipcall

Invoice Ninja

Invoice Ninja a été conçu pour servir les freelances et les entreprises comme une suite complète d'outils de facturation et de paiement pour faire avancer les affaires.

Lorsque cela se produit (déclencheurs)

Effectuer ceci (Actions)

Create task
Creates a new task.
Update task
Updates an existing task.
Create contact
Creates a new contact.
Update contact
Updates an existing contact.
Create company
Creates a new company.
Update company
Updates an existing company.
Create deal
Creates a new deal.
Update deal
Updates an existing deal.
Call init
When a call start.
Call hangup
When the call hangup.
Create callback
When the caller create a new callback request.
Invoice Ninja
New Client
Triggers when a new client is created.
Invoice Ninja
Client Updated
Triggers when an existing client is updated.
Invoice Ninja
Client Deleted
Triggers when an existing client is deleted.
Invoice Ninja
New Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is created.
Invoice Ninja
Invoice Updated
Triggers when an existing invoice is updated.
Invoice Ninja
Invoice Deleted
Triggers when an existing invoice is deleted.
Invoice Ninja
New Project
Triggers when a new project is created.
Invoice Ninja
Project Updated
Triggers when an existing project is updated.
Invoice Ninja
New Task
Triggers when a new task is created.
Invoice Ninja
Task Updated
Triggers when an existing task is updated.
Invoice Ninja
Task Deleted
Triggers when an existing task is deleted.
Invoice Ninja
New Payment
Triggers when a new payment is created.
Invoice Ninja
Payment Deleted
Triggers when an existing payment is deleted.
Invoice Ninja
New Vendor
Triggers when a new vendor is created.
Invoice Ninja
Vendor Deleted
Triggers when an existing vendor is deleted.
Invoice Ninja
Vendor Updated
Triggers when an existing vendor is updated.
Invoice Ninja
Create Client
Creates a new client.
Invoice Ninja
Create Invoice
Creates a new invoice.
Invoice Ninja
Create a Tax Rate
Creates a new tax rate.
Invoice Ninja
Create Product
Creates a new product to your account.
Invoice Ninja
Create Expense Category
Creates a new expense category.
Invoice Ninja
Get Client
Get a specific client detail.
Invoice Ninja
Get Invoice
Get a specific invoice detail.
Invoice Ninja
Send Invoice to Email
Send a specific invoice to client contact email.
Invoice Ninja
Update Client
Updates an existing client.
Invoice Ninja
Update Invoice
Updates an existing invoice.
Invoice Ninja
Find Client
Get a specific client detail.
Invoice Ninja
Find Invoice
Get a specific invoice detail.
Create task (Coming soon)
Creates a new task.
Create contact (Coming soon)
Creates a new contact.
Create company (Coming soon)
Creates a new company.