Size mümkün olan en iyi deneyimi sunmak için çerezleri kullanıyoruz. Ayrıca, web sitesini sizin için sürekli olarak geliştirmek amacıyla kullanıcı davranışını analiz etmemize de olanak tanırlar.
Slack, modern takımlar için anında aranabilen, nereye giderseniz gidin kullanılabilen, anlık mesajlaşma, belge paylaşımı ve bilgi arama platformu olan bir takım iletişim platformudur.
Bu olduğunda (Tetikleyiciler)
Bunu yap (Aksiyonlar)
Create task Creates a new task.
Update task Updates an existing task.
Create contact Creates a new contact.
Update contact Updates an existing contact.
Create company Creates a new company.
Update company Updates an existing company.
Create deal Creates a new deal.
Update deal Updates an existing deal.
Call init When a call start.
Call hangup When the call hangup.
Create callback When the caller create a new callback request.
New Channel Trigger when new channel is createad.
New Message Trigger when new message is posted.
New User Triggers when a new slack user is created or joins.
Send Direct Message (with Image) Sends a direct message with Image.
Create Channel Creates a new channel.
Invite Users to Channel Invites an existing user to the channel.
Send Direct Message (without Image) Sends a direct message without Image.
Add Reminder Adds a reminder for the user.
Get User by Id Get user details by id.
Lists all Channels Lists all channels in a Slack team.
Set Channel Topic Set the topic on a specific channel.
Update Profile Update user profile fields such as name or email.
Set Status Set slack status to the given text and emoji.
Search User by Email Search a user by matching against their email.
Add a Star Add a star to a channel message.
Remove a Star Remove a star from a channel message.
Archive Channel Archives a channel.
Unarchive Channel Unarchives a channel.
Join Channel Join to an existing channel.
Remove User from Channel Remove a user from a channel.
Leave Channel Leaves a channel.
Complete Reminder Complete a specific reminder.
Delete Reminder Delete a specific reminder.
Create Text File Create a new text file.
Delete File Delete a specific file.
Get File Get specific file details by ID.
Set Channel Purpose Set the purpose description of a specific channel.
Update Message Update a message in the channel.
Delete Message Delete a message from the channel.
List Reminder Lists all reminders created by or for a given user.
Get Reminder Fetch a specific reminder.
Get Team Info Gets information about the current team.
Get User Profile Information Retrieve a user's profile information, including their custom status.
Get User Saved Items List a user's saved items, formerly known as _stars_.
Send Channel Message Send a message to your existing channel with link unfurl support.
Send Channel Message (Using Block) Send a message to your existing channel with Markdown text and Image.
Create task (Coming soon) Creates a new task.
Create contact (Coming soon) Creates a new contact.
Create company (Coming soon) Creates a new company.